"Every soul who comes to earth with a leg or two at birth must wrestle his opponents knowing it's not what is, it's what can be that measures worth. Make it hard, just make it possible and through pain I'll not complain. My spirit is unconquerable, fearless I will face each foe, for I know I am capable. I don't care what's probable, through blood, sweat, and tears, I am Unstoppable."
Anthony Robles
Anthony Robles
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hill workouts
If you really want to change things up a bit than try this exercise on for size. A few posts ago I mentioned doing burpees up the hill. Well how about doing burpees up the hill carrying a 25lb plate. For some of you guys you could do it with a 35lb plate. We did those this morning along with out and ups, lunges, backwards bear crawl and carrying weights up the hill. So many things to do with a hill : )
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Burpees up the hill
If you're wanting something new to change your outdoor workouts than I think you would love doing burpees up the hill. Doing that with a combination of speed runners up the hill, backwards bear crawl up the hill, and decline situps it turns out to be a great workout.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Anthony Robles NCAA Champion
Hey its not everyday that you get to train an NCAA Champion for one day. Anthony Robles is the 2011 NCAA Wrestling Champion and he will be in town and wants to come do a training session with me. If you ever get the chance to read about his story, he has a book coming out in October of 2012 called Unstoppable. He has such an inspiring story, so if you need a way to get remotivated again or need some inspiration than check out his book. I will let you know how our workout goes. : ) I'm excited!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Team workout
Here is a fun team workout that you can do. It would be best if you had teams of 5 or 6 but any number will work. For my teams I had 7 different exercises because I was expecting 5 to 6 on each team so make sure you have enough exercise for everyone. I decided to focus on core alot so here are the exercise's I put in the jar. Burpees 15 reps, Oblique crunches 30 reps, Straight Arm Plank to Row 40 reps, V-sit with Medicine ball Press 50 reps, Russian Twists with Medicine Ball 50 reps, Turkish Get up 14 reps, Speed Skaters 40 reps. Each team member draws a slip of paper out to tell them what to do and than starts. When you finish you run over to a seperate cone area where you run between the cones that are set about 15 yards apart. Everytime you go down and back that is 1 point. When the last person finishes their exercises you can stop everyone and pick a random person out from both teams and have them tell you what their points were. The team with the most points at the end of the workout wins.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Partner Workouts
Working out with a Partner can be nice sometimes. You can help push each other and feed off of each other's energy. Try some of these partner workouts. Face each other and do a pushup, then touch your partner's shoulder once you do the pushup. Another partner workout is stand back to back and go down into a squat position pushing against each other. You can also stand side by side and do jump squats together. At the top of your jump give your partner a high five. If you want more ideas just let me know because there are plenty more where that came from. Get you friend, family member, neighbor off the couch and out of the house to workout with you. Push each other!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Rapid Fit workout
RapidFit week 8 is a great workout. Just ask Tony and Angie Guillen. Jump squats with medicine balls, one foot reverse lunges on the vertex machine and skipping backwards at a 24% incline on the incline trainer. That was just the beginning. RapidFit I would have to say is hands down my most favorite workout routine. Its fast, its creative and it makes you push hard. Anyone who wants to get to the next level should definitely get in touch with me to start a RapidFit workout program. I also learned today that apparently Burpees and Flip Flops are related so I can't put them both into a workout. I will try to remember that for next time Katelynn : ).
Friday, August 3, 2012
Workout for today
So here is your workout for today. You will have 12 stations, and at each station you will be there for 1:30. Some of the exercise you will switch sides half way through. Station 1 - Weighted plate squat, 2 - Hip Raise with Medicine ball squat, 3 - One arm Dumbbell Snatch, 4 - Squats with resistance band, 5 - Push up on one leg, 6 - Vibration squats, 7 - Pike to straight arm plank with yogaball, 8 - Turkish get up, 9 - Single leg hip bridge, 10 - Speed runners with hip rotation, 11 - Squat thrusts, 12 - Crunches. Get ready for a total body workout. Let me know what you think!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
So I just had the opportunity to be shown how to use Ifit. What an awesome program. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about it is a program that allows you to run anywhere in the world on a treadmill. Just yesterday I ran in Central Park. That is just scratching the surface with Ifit so I am so excited to find out more about it and apply it here at Gold's Gym.
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